I Letta amici degli americani
Dai cablo di WikiLeaks emerge tutto il “sistema Letta”, un'istantanea su come il potere e i contatti con la diplomazia Usa si travasino da Gianni a Enrico. Entrambi fidatissimi di Washington
06ROME1590_a | 24/05/2006 | secret |
------- Summary ------- 1. (C) Ambassador paid an introductory call May 23 on the new Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Enrico Letta (nephew of Berlusconi U/S Gianni Letta). Letta, a 1988 IV grantee and VP of Aspen Italy, has a very positive view of the U.S. and said he considers Italy's relationship with the U.S. essential. Letta told the Ambassador he thought Italy would be supportive of U.S. positions on Israel and the Palestinians, that on Iran Italy would adhere to the EU position, and that he believed U.S. basing in Italy was a positive factor. On the economic side, he was interested in the Ambassador's ideas on a partnership for growth. End Summary. 2. (C) On May 23, Ambassador paid an introductory call on Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Enrico Letta. Letta told the Ambassador that he and Prime Minister Prodi both considered former Defense Minister Andreatta their mentor, and this common bond was a basis for their extremely good relationship. Letta visited 10 U.S. states in 1988 during the presidential election campaign on a USIS International Visitor program, and serves as Vice President of the Aspen Institute's Italy chapter. He has attended the Institute's August program in Aspen each of the past few years. He described himself as very pro-U.S. and said he considered the U.S.-Italy relationship essential. He and the Ambassador agreed to remain in close contact. -------- Warrants -------- 3. (S) In the context of keeping our excellent bilateral relationship on sound footing, the Ambassador explained to Letta that nothing would damage relations faster or more seriously than a decision by the GOI to forward warrants for arrests of the alleged CIA agents named in connection with the Abu Omar case. This was absolutely critical. Letta took note of this and suggested the Ambassador discuss the matter personally with Justice Minister Mastella, who Letta suggested should be invited to Washington for an early meeting with the Attorney General. ------------------ Iraq, Iran, Israel ------------------ 4. (C) Turning to Iraq, the Ambassador told Letta, as he had told FM D'Alema, that PM Prodi's statements on Iraq before the senate last week had become a serious point of contention in Washington. The U.S. was moving forward, not looking back at what happened three years ago. To harken back to 2003 as a grave error, as Prodi did last week, damaged the good will that had been built up by the Amato visit to Washington and the Volker visit to Rome. The Ambassador urged that senior Italian leaders think carefully about their words and avoid such confrontational language if possible. Letta agreed that they should make an effort to do so. 5. (C) The Ambassador asked Letta, given Italy's significant economic interests with Tehran, where he thought Italy would stand regarding sanctions if the international discussion of the Iran situation headed in that direction. The Ambassador added that the U.S. would count on Italy to take a firm position against Iranian intransigence. Letta replied that Italy would stick with the EU position on Iran. The Ambassador also noted that we would look to Italy to stand with us on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Letta replied he thought Italy would be supportive. ------------------- Labor and Economics ------------------- 6. (C) Letta said that the PM's office had been "getting heat" from the far left about labor disputes at Camp Darby (a ROME 00001590 002 OF 002 military base near Pisa where the U.S. Army is currently conducting a RIF of local employees). Letta said that he and many others believe the U.S. basing presence in Italy is a force for good, and suggested that anything the Ambassador could do to soften the blow of the RIFs at Camp Darby would be welcome. 7. (C) Letta, an economist by profession, described himself as one of the few in the new government trying to preserve what labor flexibility there was in the Italian system. He expressed interest in the Ambassador's ideas on a partnership for growth and welcomed future contact with the Embassy on this matter. SPOGLI |
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